Meta Runner Wiki

"When I think of a goal, or a task... I can see the path to complete it."

Turbo Assisted Rapid Intelligence, also known as T.A.R.I. or colloquially known as Tari, is the main protagonist of Meta Runner. She is one of many professional Meta Runners, but unlike other Meta Runners, she has an ability that allows her to transfer her mind into any video game she plays.

It was initially believed that Tari was the test subject for Project Blue that Dr. Sheridan used to test his program with her as the human host, but archived security footage shows that the real subject was Lucinia Porter, who had gone missing two years prior to the show until it was revealed by Derek Lucks near the end of Fatal Error that Tari herself is the A.I. that Sheridan created to enhance a Meta Runner's gaming performance.

However, an accident occured during the project which resulted in Lucinia having her mind shattered with a part of it attaching to the T.A.R.I. program but caused Tari's memories to be erased and she was implanted into an artificial body by the psychologically damaged Sheridan and left in a safehouse in the back alleys of Silica City, with no idea of who or what she was.


Tari wears a blue and white hooded jacket over a white tank top with her Meta Runner symbol, brown khaki pants, white and blue socks, and brown flip flop sandals. She has short blue hair with a fringe covering her right eye (Half of it is exposed in Season 2), blue eyebrows (as of Season 2), and purple eyes.

Her Meta Runner Arm is on her left.

Her appearance resembles the Blue Jay Bird. In particular, her symbol and the designs on her jacket's shoulders resemble its wings.

During her time as a TAS Corp. representative, her outfit switches to a bare-shouldered, black, white and blue TAS Corp. uniform and black tracksuit pants with white stripes, and navy blue slide sandals with long socks with blue stripes.

Starting from Soft Lock, she once again wears her iconic blue hoodie over her TAS Corp. uniform but with a few differences, including the thicker black lines.


Tari is depicted as being a very kind-hearted girl who enjoys hanging out with people in order to get to know them, displaying a friendly mood around the people she hangs out with and cares for them and their safety.

Despite her innocence nature, she is shown as being insecure and shy, playing the role as a pacifist when it comes to solving conflicts through words rather than actions which sometimes ends up failing. Her persona is a result of a combination of confusion when trying to understand a problem and a lack of confidence within her ability to solve a situation that makes her very prone to danger.

But in terms of her inabilities in her confidence, she has shown be have grown during her time in TAS Corp., displaying a more mature and "cooler" mood as stated by Theo due to learning from Belle, as well as more reckless and passive-aggressive as she taunts Evelyn to distract her during their fight in the corrupted version of Ultra Jump Mania.

After escaping TAS-Corp and learning about her true identity, she is depicted as a more bolder character, lacking most of her self-sensitive trait, showing confidence whenever a situation presets itself and putting herself at risk to protect others.

But this is most likely because after learning her identity, Tari started thinking lowly of herself as seen in "The End", when talking to the AI version of Lucks, she was willing to rip herself apart to return Lucinia to the friends and life she had before Tari "came along", showing she holds herself in a very low light due to being the one having the fragments of Lucinia's mind that were given to her after Lucinia was blown up.


Tari was originally an A.I. created by TASCorp scientist James Sheridan dubbed the Turbo Assisted Rapid Intelligence, which Sheridan claimed was advanced enough to store many petabytes of data, so much that she was self-aware and possessed human-like sentience.

Despite her sentience, she had no choice but to follow Sheridan's orders as he searched for a human host to download Tari into in order to begin the testing phase of his research experiment: Project Blue.

Day after day, Sheridan would have Tari drill multiple videogames with the objective of completing them in the quickest and most efficient way possible in order for her to enhance her host's gaming performance, despite her disliking how her "life" is a constant repeat every day and hopes for something to change.

Months into Project Blue, Sheridan is approached by one of TASCorp's Meta Runners, Lucinia Porter who volunteers to be his test subject in order to be acknowledged by Lucks, ascompared to the "young hotshot" Belle Fontiere and team captain Masa Shimamoto, whose skills are leagues ahead of her own which results in her being neglected by her boss.

Despite her confusion, Sheridan uploads T.A.R.I. into her Meta Runner arm which connects Tari directly to Lucinia's brain and thus she sees memories of her life, including her sister Sofia Porter, her competetive moments with Masa and her romance with Belle.

Soon, she helps Lucinia by directing her movements in different games which turns in positive results to Lucinia's delight as she claims Tari to be amazing, making Tari happy as Lucinia is the first to compliment her, only for Sheridan to tell her to enter standby mode, upsetting her.

Tari chooses against this however and secretly enters the TASCorp server and enters different games and encounters the people she recognized from Lucinia's memories, with them believing her to be Lucinia using a smurf account to troll them, despite Tari's insistence that she isn't her.

She continues to sneak out every night to play with other people Lucinia knows online, making Tari happy that she finally feels connected to people through Lucinia.

During the final phase of Project Blue, Dr. Sheridan believes it to be time to test out the new, advanced iteration of T.A.R.I. which allows total synchronisation between Lucinia and Tari, allowing Lucinia to enter the server where she and Tari finally meet face-to-face.

The two of them instantly bond but Lucinia notices Sheridan attempting to shut the connection down when she asks him what's happening and Tari realizes that Sheridan pushed the neural uplink too hard which will result in an explosion that could kill Lucinia or, at best, leave her with permanent brain damage but is trapped under rubble as Lucinia falls into a chasm inside the simulation room.

Tari uses a piece of rubble to break her virtual arm off and jumps down after Lucinia and catches her. Explaining the situation to her, Tari leads Lucinia to the TASCorp server where her mind will be safe but when Lucinia asks about her, she explains that she is the only thing keeping the uplink semi-stable so she'll have to stay behind before it explodes otherwise Lucinia's body could be destroyed from the impact.

Lucinia questions if Tari will die from the explosion to which Tari claims that her CPU and sub-systems will survive, but the uplink will fry her hard drive thus erasing all her memory data and thus reverting her back to how she was the day she was made: a blank slate.

Hearing this, Lucinia rips off her virtual arm, representing a fragment of her consciousness, and gives it to Tari so even if her memories are gone, a piece of Lucinia will remain with her so she'll never be alone and to ensure they remain connected.

Thanking her, Tari and Lucinia embrace as the explosion finally interrupts the neural uplink and severly wounds Sheridan while disconnecting Lucinia's remaining consciousness from her body and destroying the hard drive that houses Tari's memory, but not before Tari and Lucinia vow that they'll find each other again one day.

After this, Sheridan is scarred and left psychologically unstable as he takes the damaged T.A.R.I. with him and escapes while leaving Lucinia's body to be later discovered by Lucks and his security team. He finds a safe room in the back alleys of Silica City where, after a long time, he is able to somehow implant Tari into an artificial body and vanishes as he goes into hiding until she wakes up, unaware of what had transpired and thus setting off the events of the first episode.

Season 1

Waking up in the medical room, Tari notices her Meta Runner arm. As she struggles her way outside, Tari experiences flashbacks of the incident and sees images of Dr. Sheridan talking with Lucinia (whom she doesn't recognize) off-screen before the scene is overtaken by the explosion.

She arrives outside into Silica City, the video game capital. As she explores the futuristic city, she was approached by citizens who praise her for being a Meta Runner, much to Tari's confusion. She gets away from the crowd by lying that she is a Meta Runner working for TAS Corp. and arrives at the store owned by it.

She then notices the Meta Runner star gamer of said-company, Belle Fontiere, loses a speed run competition of Ultra Jump Mania. Tari started playing the game, initially starting as a mediocre player (which resulted in Belle oppressing her), she becomes better in a matter of seconds. Later, her consciousness got transferred into the game.

She meets the game's main character Theo, who initially treated like a "foul beast" and a "boss". In the end, Tari manages to convince Theo that she's not evil. The pair venture through the game as Tari learns to use her foresight ability to get through obstacles. The two manage to bond over time.

After defeating a hoard of tree monsters (later revealed in Season 2 to be called "Facepalms"), the pair was approached Lucks in the form of a glitched version of Theo. He offers Tari an opportunity to become part of his company, until the situation takes a turn as her arm burns in pain, due to the real-life scientists placing a tracker in her arm.

Eventually, she glitches herself out of the game, unintentionally bringing Theo into the real world as well. She manages to escape Lucks with the help of Theo throwing a coconut to a guard's head.

As the pair manage to escape, Tari loses Theo for a brief moment until they hide in an alley. She explains to Theo how his video game powers can't function in the real world. Their relationship grows even further with Tari saying sorry for slightly yelling at Theo. They decide to take shelter in a Streaming Pod building called The Hive.

Theo plays the game with enjoyment as Tari has more flashbacks concerning Dr Sheridan. When Theo starts his own stream, she immediately interrupts it, only to bump into Belle and some soldiers of TAS Corp. Theo throws a coconut to her face and separates from Tari. She eventually got herself caught while Theo managed to escape.

Tari and Belle have a serious conversation in the van. Tari talks about how it's wrong to be forced into a flawed environment, while Belle talks about how she had to do what needed to be done to be adapted into the world where video games are everything. Suddenly, a car crashes into the van, allowing Tari to escape with Theo and Lamar Williams in the car. A car chase happens. Tari immediately realizes Lamar's anime fanboyism, as shown with his body pillow.

The chase ends with Tari using her foresight to evade a barrier of soldiers. They arrive at a ramen restaurant, which was secretly the hideout of MD-5, a group of three aiming to take down TAS-Corp. because the latter "destroyed their lives". The group includes the leader, Masa Shimamoto, a hacker, Sofia Porter, and Lamar. Masa was hostile in the idea of recruiting Tari and Theo, so he challenges her in a game of Battle Blaze.

As she plays (albeit her consciousness in the game), she learns from Masa himself to get better. The gang later takes a rest for the night, bonding over different things. They later realize that Theo is glitching out, so they would need to find his old cartridge considering another copy wouldn't work. Sofia reveals a plan called "Operation: Silent Demon". TAS-Corp. would be hosting a gaming competition focusing on the battle royale game Tempest. Tari would need to execute a glitch for Lucks' files to be hackable. In the end, they might be able to order Theo's cartridge.

The gang later practice Tempest, as Tari learns certain techniques and skills in-game. At one point, she accidentally, yet humorously, killed Lamar's character. The glitch requires her to jump from the top of a cliff and dive through the ground. She fruitlessly practices to the point where most of her friends got bored. Until then, Theo gave her a comment of support that ultimately motivates her to succeed.

On the very big day, Tari and the gang fight successfully through the game, fighting against a gang of other players. When going into the game, Tari saw a brief illusion of Lucinia in a void. Lamar and Theo got defeated. At the top of the mountain, the furious player reveals herself to be Belle, who also explains the truth of Masa, who was formerly the team captain of the TAS-Corp. Meta Runners. After he was defeated, Belle tortures Tari in-game to get information about Lucinia's presumed death, which she doesn't know. She takes the upper hand and initiates a battle against Belle. They constantly cast spells at each other to give a game over for the other. In the end, Tari succeeds in the dive. Under the virtual ground, she sees Lucinia again with a burnt arm and a smile on her face.

The glitch started a panic in the building, which prompts the gamers to leave. The gang was later cornered into a room by Lucks and his soldiers. They were subdued with electric shocks from the soldiers and Lucks bargained for Sofia's laptop in exchange for Masa's life, even going so far as to break the latter's robotic arm.

A teary-eyed Sofia gives in the laptop, and completely breaks down when Belle reveals her sister's "fate". Tari is further accused of murdering Lucinia. Lucks then reveals that he hacked into Theo's eyesight to use him as a spy. When he was about to take the gang back to a TAS-Corp. holding cell, Tari offered to work for Lucks in exchange for her friends to be free, much to their dismay. Lucks makes sure of this by crushing Theo's cartridge and gaining his consciousness as "collateral". As Tari was escorted away by Lucks, she hears her worried friends saying that they will not forget her.

Season 2

For the next six months, Tari was forced to work as a Meta Runner for TAS Corp. Following all of Luck's orders as she was partnered up with another Meta Runner, Evelyn Claythorne under Lucks' directions. This angers Evelyn as she feels all her years of work for Lucks is for nothing as he focuses his attention on Tari.

She is given experiments and exhibition matches along with Belle for Lucks to examine her and her warping ability. On the ride back to TAS Corp, Lucks crticizes Tari's hesitation and expects her to improve on this before the showmatch in two weeks. After talking to Theo, she is left alone as she promises Masa, Sofia, and Lamar that she will figure something out.

The next day, Tari is in simulation while practicing for her showmatch in Hidden Heroes with Evelyn but is easily beaten by her and notices Belle shouting at Theo on the screen, wondering what is going on but she brushes it off.

Later, as Evelyn insults Tari for having the "charisma of a malfunctioning Bot-Boy", she bumps into a TAS-Corp employee playing a game called Pocket Gakusei, an anime dating simulator. As Evelyn criticizes the employee for being an otaku, Tari gets an idea.

Tari sneaks into Evelyn's room (and is greatly disgusted by the decorations) to get the game Evelyn took from the employee. She gets caught by Evelyn, but is soon rescued by Belle, who pretends she "caught" Tari. Knowing very well that Tari was trying to contact MD-5, she tells Tari that no one would care "because it's just a dating sim" before warning Tari not to get busted.

Tari warps into Pocket Gakusei and meets Kizuna AI, who introduces her to the game. Unable to guess Lamar's screen name, Tari leaves her classroom and tries and fails to find Lamar's class on her own. She then remembers that Lamar was obsessed with an anime girl named Satsuki-Chan and asks AI-Chan to summon her, but soon learns that she has to fill her relationship meter by taking her on dates first before she can get help.

After painstakingly filling the relationship meter (and breaking Satsuki-Chan's heart afterwards), Tari finally gets Lamar's screen name and is able to contact MD-5. While talking with them about their next move, Tari is abruptly pulled out of the game by Belle, who had just obtained a copy of footage proving that Lucks knew what happened to Lucinia the whole time. After apologizing to Tari for believing that she killed Lucinia, she sends her back into the game to convince the rest of MD-5 to let her join the plan. Although reluctant at first, the team agrees to let Belle in.

At the announcements right before the showmatch, Tari gets the signal from Sofia and proceeds with the plan. After thanking "all of her friends" over the mic (she was really addressing to MD-5, not the crowd) she "clumsily" trips over a wire, causing a power outage. Lamar (disguised as a TAS-Corp employee) gets sent to fix the problem, but he instead swaps the Hidden Heroes cartridge with their own to collect the server data during the match. Afterwards, Sofia turns the power back on, allowing the showmatch to commence.

During the showmatch, Tari attempts to stall Evelyn from killing the enemy players too quickly so that MD-5 would have time to steal TAS-Corp's server data and rescue Theo, whom Belle was trying to get to beat the game so that Theo can leave it. Unfortunately, Evelyn catches Tari talking to Masa and reports the situation to Lucks, forcing MD-5 to use their backup plan.

While Sofia puts Lucks in the spotlight to prevent him from catching Masa and Lamar, The rest attempt to keep either team from winning so that they can continue to steal the server data. Masa gets eliminated and he prepares for "when it's all over", while Lamar stays with Tari.

Evelyn eliminates the rest of the players until only Tari and Lamar are the only ones left standing. Evelyn tells Tari that she's figured out her power and that Tari's strategies have become predictable. She stuns Lamar and disarms Tari, making her seemingly defenseless. Just when Evelyn was about to deal the final blow, a mysterieous pink glow merges with Tari, causing a sudden increase in Tari's skill. Tari quickly eliminates Eveyln, allowing Sofia to safely finish the data transfer. When Tari gets rescued by Lamar after Evelyn tries to stop Tari for ruining her special day, she realizes that Theo didn't make it out of the game, but is forced to leave anyway.

After Tari Escapes TAS Corp. with Lamar, she reunites with Sofia. Tari tells Sofia that Masa and Belle (and Theo) got captured and they cannot release the server because Lucks will delete Theo if they do. Tari makes a decision to get her friends back, in an "All or Nothing" play. Sofia then remembers that she brought Tari a new hoodie that looks exactly like her old one.

When Lucks tries to wipe the data of the server from the Hidden Heroes cartridge, it turns out it wasn't the same one as the one MD-5 used to copy the data. Tari had warped into the cartridge and jumped into the server as soon as Lucks tried to scan it. She lands in the glitched "crazy nightmare" version of Ultra Jump Mania and quickly saves Theo from some monsters, causing Theo to ask when Tari became "cool" before they faced the quarantine drones and fought them off thanks to Tari's newfound knowledge of the game's exploits which she learned from Belle.

The two proceed to make their way through the game, discovering new exploits along the way, when they spot the final flag in the distance. Unfortunately, Lucks had given Evelyn access to the game in an attempt to prevent Tari from beating the game, having her appear in the form of a glitched monster made of all the characters in the game. Tari quickly discovers that Evelyn enabled an infinite lives cheat, making her unbeatable. Down to their last lives, Tari comes up with a plan and shares it with Theo.

Tari distracts Evelyn by facing her one-on-one. When Evelyn finally catches Tari, Tari drops the pineapple hammer she was using to fight Evelyn into the lava below "on accident" and gives Theo the signal. Theo is revealed to have been setting up a "Coconut Burst Jump" glitch and launched himself towards Evelyn. He throws his coconut and "misses", only to reveal that he was performing another glitch with Tari's dropped hammer, trapping it in an infinite spin and dealt continuous damage, overloading Evelyn's arm due to her struggle to keep her balance. Theo reaches the flag, beating the game and resetting the cache.

After Tari sent Theo out of the game, she finally gets a chance to properly meet Lucinia, who was revealed to be the pink glow from earlier, "in person". Tari asks Lucinia if she knew "what" she was, so Lucinia told her everything she knew.

Tari woke up in Lamar's car where her physical body was hiding the whole time. Glad to know that Theo was safe, she told Lamar to move on to "Phase 2", which turned out to be the same tactic that Lamar had used to save Tari in Season 1: crashing into TAS-Corp's van. It works, but the recoil was strong and Lamar comments that TAS-Corp must have upgraded their vans after what happened last time before passing out.

Lucks angrily threatens Tari that he'll shoot Masa if she didn't surrender the cartridge, but it was too late, the data was already released. When Masa tells Lucks that he's going to jail for being responsible for Lucinia's death, Lucks simply laughs and explains that Lucinia wasn't dead, but they couldn't wake her up. Lucks correctly theorized that her consciousness had been stolen by Sheridan's A.I. program during the explosion. When Belle asks why Lucks hadn't found the "A.I." yet, he reveals that he had, it was Tari the whole time.

Tari explains that while she was in the server, she learned that when the explosion occurred, Lucinia's mind was fragmented; most of it ended up in the server while the rest got absorbed into the A.I., which eventually led to the creation of Tari's current self. She's still unsure how she got her body, but Tari explains that she thinks that she can still revive Lucinia, she just needs to return the fragments of Lucinia's consciousness to Lucinia's body. Despite Tari's true nature as an A.I. program, her friends still accept her despite what she used to be.

Masa's still fed up with Lucks and waits for him to screw up, but Tari and friends manage to convince Masa to put the gun down. Unfortunately, Masa's arm malfunctions and points the gun back at Lucks, causing Lucks to confirm his thoughts about "the one behind it" before he's shot dead. Seeing how traumatized Masa was, Tari tries to help him, but Lamar tells Tari that they can't help him if they're all in jail, but Belle decides to stay behind to help Masa while everyone else flees the murder scene. Just when the rest of MD-5 thought they were cornered, Marco shows up and offers them a ride.

Season 3

At the start of Power Down, it is shown that Tari has been imprisoned along with Lamar, Sofia, and Theo in Marco's hideout as she then goes out into the area to be judged along with the others. Marco and Tari's group discuss the incident with Masa there as Marco wants payback for Masa placing the Meta Bug onto him. Tari then makes a deal where she will play Turbo Crash with her group in order to settle the score to which Marco accepts.

As Tari and her group gets ready Marco gets tired of waiting as he asks Tari to warp. Tari gives a confidence rally to Lamar, Sofia, and Theo as she then tries to warp. However, her warp gets intercepted by Evelyn as Tari does not warp into Turbo Crash but into a version of Silica City. She looks around curious as she spots doll versions of Masa and Belle who starts singing praises of Evelyn's greatness as to which Evelyn shows up to be giddy with joy.

Tari gets annoyed with Evelyn as she tries to warp out but Evelyn blocks her warping ability as Tari tries to fight back there. This mainly ends up with Tari being beaten and knocked out as she is dragged to the virtual doctor's office where she is restrained. Sheridan configures the computer as it is revealed he wants to give Tari's fragments containing Lucinia back to Lucinia herself. The operation then starts as a drill is stabbed at the back of Tari's neck draining Tari's fragments of Lucinia away from her.

As she was on the table she was restrained as she could not do anything as the others were not able to do anything at all. Theo busted in as he fights against Evelyn and the nurse programs as Masa and Belle were distracting Sheridan. Theo then frees Tari during the middle of the operation as she tries to regain her consciousness. Tari goes to escape with Theo though wretches in pain as Evelyn pursues her with a knife. Tari and Theo fight back against Evelyn but were getting outmatched and Evelyn was about to stab Tari before Sofia rescues the two by spawning a portal for them.

Tari and Theo go into the portal to escape as they try to get back but Evelyn pursues them as Tari throws Theo forward. Tari then gets slashed into the abdomen as she moves back out of the portal. Tari wakes up as she is in Shipwreck Swamp greeted by Petey though her abdominal wound acts up as fragments fall out causing Tari to be knocked out.

In Skybreakers (Episode), Tari wakes up in the shed as she just rolls out of the way Petey attempting to fix her doing surgery. She then goes out to talk to Petey as she gets attacked as Petey then walks her through the tutorial as Tari was having trouble adjusting. She finishes the tutorial by trying to sail out into the portal to get out of Shipwreck Swamp.

However, Tari got intercepted by Evelyn as Evelyn then outright attacks her trying to kill her but Tari with the help of Petey was able to escape and go out into the world. Evelyn then tries to intercept Tari but Tari gets rescued by Tari, Theo, and Marco as Tari regroups with them. After conversing about the situation, Tari and her crew go off to Vagabond's Landing in order to get better gear for her to better protect herself.

In Dead On Arrival, Tari and her crew were fighting against an enemy ship though she was having trouble to be able to contribute to the group. When Tari and crew land in Vagabond's landing she goes off with Marco to pick out new gear. After a bit of an argument with Marco, Evelyn shoots Marco but both Marco and Tari are unable to PvP in the city as they have to make a run for it. Along the way, Marco gets demolished along with Theo and Lamar earlier as Tari then gets attacked by Lucinia as Tari then gets the upper hand to slash Lucinia with the knife regaining some of her capabilities back.

Tari makes her way back to regroup with the others however their ship gets taken down by the Cabin Boy who was piloting the ship. Tari and her crew then gets cornered by Evelyn and Lucinia as Tari then figures out a plan. Tari's plan executes as she and the others manage to get a ship as Tari commands the crew on how to get on out of there as they beat Evelyn's ship to get on out of there. Marco gets impressed with Tari and allows her to capture the ship for herself as Tari names it the BlueJay.

At some point by Death Warp, Tari and her crew were fishing by the side of the ship there. As Theo gets some treasure Tari checks it and finds Sheridan's coffee cup. By tracing the coffee cup they make their way through Scrapbeard's Fortress as to find where the backdoor to Sheridan's server could be. They make their way through as Tari and her crew make it to the boss arena. However, they also were pressed for time as Evelyn and her crew make it into the dungeon themselves so Lamar makes his way to distract Evelyn as Tari focuses on doing an exploit called the Death Warp.

It takes some time as Tari, Theo, and Marco were fighting against the Angler as they eventually were able to complete the glitch there. However they lose Lamar along the way as Tari and the rest of the crew has to navigate through the storm by themselves. Tari goes off as she tries to find the backdoor to the server as at one point Marco goes afk meaning that it is only Tari and Theo searching for it. As Tari goes to sail off Theo at one point glitches out heavily as it causes Tari to worry heavily especially as they were sailing through the storm.

As the BlueJay sails through the storm Tari talks to Theo in tears as she tries to reassure Theo that she will protect him. Marco wakes up as Sofia congratulates Tari on finding the backdoor as Tari states this is near the end now. However, her ship gets attacked as it is revealed that it was Evelyn who put her ship into critical condition as Evelyn wasted no time to try to hurt Tari. Though Evelyn's ship explodes as Tari takes the chance to order her crew to fire the cannons at Evelyn's ship thus putting Evelyn on even grounds against Tari.

It is revealed that Lamar sabotaged Evelyn's ship as Tari and her crew were ecstatic to see Lamar come back safe and sound. Lamar then gives Tari the pigeon hat that he salvaged from Evelyn's ship as this causes Evelyn to pout talking about how Tari keeps on stealing everything from her. Tari snidely remarks that if she wants her hat back then she would have to take it from her as to which Evelyn gladly replies she will be taking a lot more from Tari. The faceoff then begins as Tari orders her crew while Evelyn orders her crew with newly added Masa and Belle into her group as they start to fight.

In Overload, the fight between Tari's group versus Evelyn's group begins as Tari and her group was on the loosing edge. It is revealed that Theo has been dissipated by Evelyn as when she gives the news to Tari, Tari breaks down immensely. Due to Tari's breakdown, Masa comes back to his senses as he goes to help Tari however at one point he goes AFK due to causing an explosion which allows Belle to be free from Sheridan's brainwashing. Tari notices this and tells Belle to stab Lucinia with Evelyn's knife. As Belle stabs Lucinia, Tari regains a lot of her abilities as she is able to gain the upper hand and thus take Evelyn out. It is only Tari and Lucinia left as Sofia tells Tari she is on a time limit since Marco is going to destroy the server. Tari then goads Lucinia into following her as they both dive into the portal to reach Sheridan's server.

In The End, Tari warps into the server as Sheridan takes notice. A battle ensues between Tari and Lucinia as they both fight bitterly and hard. By the end of the fight Tari was able to take Lucinia into the lab to restrain her for the surgery process. As Tari restrained Lucinia and was typing into the terminal she was unable to complete the surgery process as Tari feels despair as she cuts off the line with Sofia after saying her gratitudes towards her. She was about to go and do the surgery until Lucksbot has shown up. Lucksbot then decides to help Tari by configuring the terminal to help her. As Lucksbot says his goodbyes and wishes Tari good luck, Tari says her final goodbyes to Lucinia as she appreciates MD-5 for all that they have done for her. With one final tear she revives Lucinia as she then is trapped inside the server as she has salvaged enough data to revive Theo and control the server herself. She explains to Theo that they won't be able to see their friends for a very long time. They both get sad though not being able to see their friends though Tari says to Theo that they can spend time to play video games. Theo gets excited as he runs off to play them as Tari looks up into the sky as she thanks her friends for all the adventures that she was able to go on.

The credits roll as Tari's story comes to a close.

As seen in the reveal of the Meta Runner: Source comic, some point after the events of the grand finale, Tari goes to the edge of the server to find her backed up memories that were erased due to the explosion. She retrieves them successfully.



  • As stated by Luke and Kevin, she is a separate character in a separate continuity to SMG4's Mario Bloopers.
  • She is biologically 22 years old according to the episode, Wrong Warp. However, she is technically at least two years old since the day Lucinia's mind was splintered by the accident.
    • While is it not stated how Tari's physical form was constructed, she could be presumably akin to a biological android.
  • She was heavily implied to suffer from amnesia. However, it's been revealed in Fatal Error that the reason for this is because she's actually an A.I. merged with a fragment of Lucinia's mind, with her having no memories prior to becoming "human".
    • Her identity was foreshadowed behind the appearance of her flashbacks, which appear to be glitching heavily during the crisis right before the explosion. The flashbacks also match with the Project Blue files.
      • This also means that the files missing from the Project Blue memory card likely would've given away Tari's identity, since Dr. Sheridan refers to T.A.R.I. during the flashbacks.
    • While it is confirmed that this Tari is an A.I., this issue has never been confirmed nor denied for her SMG4 counterpart.
  • The purpose of her iconic hoodie is to block off the tracker that TAS Corp. installed into her arm. Ironically, the left sleeve is rolled up, exposing her arm, but the hoodie still works anyway.
  • When put under extremely painful conditions during a game warp (whether she feels it in real life or the video game), circuitry under her skin glows (specifically under her eyes and her left chest and shoulder, which possibly extends even further under her chest), revealing itself. It also happens when Tari removes Theo from Ultra Jump Mania so that he would be safe from TAS Corp. Lucks found this appearance astounding, hinting that Tari is unusual for even a Meta Runner.
  • She made a guest appearance in Kizuna AI's music video of "Under The Sea."
  • Tari's blood type is AB based on the vitals screen in Firewall.
  • Tari's name is a reference to the video game console Atari.
  • In Season 3, Tari only warped one time, and that one time, she never exited the warp.
  • As seen multiple times throughout the series, Tari's eye colour when warped into cyberspace is blue.
  • In Season 2, Tari's full name was Turbo Artificial Rapid Intelligence. However in Season 3, this was changed to Turbo Assisted Rapid Intelligence.
  • Her name is a play on Taree, a real life Australian city located in New South Wales, the same state where Glitch Productions is based.
    • The fact that she has blue hair and predominately wears blue is also another reference to New South Wales where the state colour is sky blue.


Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

v - e - d Meta Runner characters