Meta Runner Wiki
Meta Runner Wiki

"Why do I have to share MY debut showmatch with someone who has the charisma and gaming talent of a malfunctioning BOT-BOY?!"

Evelyn Claythorne is the secondary antagonist of the Glitch Productions animated web series Meta Runner, serving as the secondary antagonist of Season 2 and Season 3. She is the bitter arch-rival of Tari and Theo.

She is a former member of TAS Corp. who was set to be introduced into the main lineup along with Tari, until MD-5 interrupted the showmatch and ruined her debut. Following the death of Derek Lucks, Evelyn was left unemployed but was contacted by Dr. Sheridan, who offered her the same abilities as Tari for revenge against her.


Evelyn wears a black and grey overall dress, with white stockings and white Mary-janes. Her clothes have lights on which seem to change depending on her mood. For example, Green when she is calm and happy. Yellow when she is neutral, blue when she is sad, and red when she is angry.

She has long, bright pink hair, pink eyebrows, and green eyes.

Her Meta Runner arm is on her right arm.

In season 3 she now has a metal plate and wires attached to the left side of her head and left eye. She also has an open cut on her eyelid that seems to be purple and infected, and another cut under her left eye.


Evelyn is shown to be arrogant, snobby, conceited, and self-centered. She believes herself to be superior towards everyone that she deems "inferior" and often looks down on others. She is also attention-seeking and envious based on how she laments on how Lucks favorites Tari over her and even refers to Tari as a 'science experiment' and a "freak". She even takes a TASCorp worker's game console and claims it hers flaunting her power.

Later in the series, Evelyn becomes more despicable and malicious, to the point where she openly attacks Tari and ends up working with Sheridan to enact revenge on her.


Evelyn was one of TasCorp's Meta Runners, having been employed long enough to have known about Lucinia Porter's disappearance two years ago. It is implied that the only reason she was accept by Lucks into his company was due to "all the private coaches her parents hired for her", as she hinted at her showmatch with Tari.

Despite being a part of TasCorp for years, she wasn't a part of the main lineup unlike team captain Masa Shimamoto and "young hotshot" Belle Fontiere. She was forced to go through training every day and failed numerous screening tests, much to her frustration.

Six months before Hard Reset, after giving herself up to Lucks to save Masa, Lamar, and Sofia from incarceration inside of TASCorp, Tari was brought into the company and had special attention from Lucks, thus making Evelyn feel cheated that Tari was his favorite and didn't have to work for all her special treatment, resulting in Evelyn despising their newest member with a passion.

Season 2[]

By the time of Hard Reset, she appears to talk to Belle much to Belle’s annoyance. Evelyn talks to Belle about if Lucks favors her as she gets angry. She also berates Tari as she asks Belle if she would rather play with Tari or herself. As to which after Belle responds to saying that she would rather play with Evelyn she gets a confidence boost. Evelyn then talks about Lucinia and her disappearance to which Belle gets agitated. After an exchange Evelyn goes off to go back to her dorm room happily skipping away.

In training by Firewall, it is shown that Evelyn was sparring against Tari in Hidden Heroes. She clashes with Tari as she then puts Tari into a weakened state as to which Evelyn finishes her off under Belle’s command. As she looks at Belle who was shouting, she gets dismissed to go along with Tari.

As she goes back to her room, she shouts insults at Tari as to which she then bumps into a TAScientist. After insulting the one who bumped into her, she then picks up their game that they dropped which was Pocket Gakusei. She holds it over by them as she mocks the scientist and Tari as she then takes it with her claiming that the waifus are all hers and that only losers play this game.

She then keeps the game and presumably plays a bit of the game herself as she goes back to her room. In Unreal Engines she then goes back to her room as she sees Tari there. Evelyn gets angry as she is about to grill and roast Tari there who was suspiciously in her room. However, Belle then shows up as she calls for Evelyn but sees the sight unfold by her eyes.

Tari then hands Belle the mobile device of Pocket Gakusei to which Evelyn starts berating Tari. Belle then decides that she wants to talk to Tari in private which causes Evelyn to get excited to see how Tari will be punished. Though Belle told Evelyn to say which causes her to pout as she has to let Tari and Belle have their private talk. After some time of waiting Evelyn gets impatient as she goes out of the room to ask Belle how the punishment went for Tari. Presumably after some time she was spending her time training for the show match.

By the time the show match rolled around in Hack and Slash after Lucks tells his girls Tari and Evelyn to come on stage, Evelyn pushes Tari aside as she walks down the pathway as she blows kisses to her audience and extravagantly greeting them. Both Tari and Evelyn make it to the stage of course as Lucks then gives a speech, Lucks tried to give the microphone to Tari before Evelyn snatched it.

Evelyn then starts a long and self-centered monologue about how she grew to stardom as part of TASCorp and her life as part of the Claythornes. After her monologue is done, she then gives Lucks the microphone as to which he gives it to Tari to make her statement to the crowd. After Tari makes her statement and the crowd goes wild the plan that MD-5 has put in motion happens.

As Tari trips and takes out the cord, Evelyn goes over angrily to berate her as Tari just tells her that it was by accident. After the lights turn on however, the event resumes as he sends both Tari and Evelyn to their respective pods basically. Once Lucks finished his speech about Hidden Heroes, he then closes the pods as he lets the match begin. As the match happens Tari was getting attacked until Evelyn showed up to get the first kill from Tari.

Again Evelyn insults and belittles Tari as they argue a bit about it until a multitude of player's attack. This causes them to have to make a run for it to safety as Evelyn keeps on demolishing any player that she has a chance to demolish. They then make it to safety as Evelyn angrily tells Tari to hurry up with healing basically. Evelyn and Tari get into a heated argument on why Evelyn hates Tari so much. To which she reveals that she hates Tari because she has been working hard yet Tari went up above the ranks even though she is not that good at gaming. Tari then by absolute irritation tells how much she wants to be left alone and how much she really does not like Evelyn. This causes Evelyn to go away as she leaves Tari to fend for herself.

As soon as Evelyn tries to go back to see Tari, she sees Tari conversing with Masa as to which they saw her causing her to move back and hide away to let Tari do her thing. She then contacts Lucks about Tari’s betrayal of course which causes him to take action. Though before he could take action Sofia blocks him by making him stand in the spotlight of course. Lucks then gives the signal to crush Tari to Evelyn to which she smiles with absolute glee.

As Tari makes her way through the game Evelyn then tries to sneak attack Tari as she dodges the sword strike. Evelyn then starts to keep on attacking her of course as Tari tries to run away. However, Evelyn then corners her as Tari’s only option is to fight Evelyn to which they start their battle.

After a heavy series of clashes, their fight ends in a massive stalemate to which Tari says it is pointless. Evelyn agrees but she has a sinister idea as she looks at her friends who were fighting as she then goes down to try to demolish Lamar, but Masa pushes him out of the way as she demolishes Masa. Lamar tries to shoot but Evelyn deflects as Lamar is pulled to safety. Evelyn eerily threatens Tari that she cannot protect Lamar forever basically. And then she starts to go off as she goes to demolish as many players as she can.

A fair amount of time passes as when Tari and Lamar were surrounded by players Evelyn then sets up a fog as she eerily takes out the players one by one until only Tari and Lamar were left. As they were struggling to attack Evelyn, she keeps on attacking as she stuns Lamar and is toying with Tari. Just as before she delivers a final blow Tari makes a comeback as she demolishes Evelyn which frustrates her. The game then ends as Evelyn is demolished and the stadium is in a frenzy.

Tari tries to get the cartridge, but Evelyn goes out to prevent her unwittingly as she wrestles with Tari angrily. Though she gets pushed and blinded away back into her pod as Lamar called for help. She also gets locked in as Lamar closes the door so that Evelyn stays locked behind doors as she bangs on the door to open.

In Nightmare Mode it is shown that she is angrily ordering the scientists to fix and open the door. However, she gets a call from Lucks to have a rematch with Tari in Ultra Jump Mania basically as she very much agrees of course. As she calibrates her computer she spawns in the point where Tari and Theo were about to reach the goal as she spawns in as the Glitchemoth. She does not allow them to finish as she places the flag on top of her head as she then proceeds to mock and attack Tari.

Tari and Evelyn then battle together and after some time Evelyn gets stuck and into a stun lock too as she tries to mash her way out of it but her arm overloads. This causes her to have to lose control for a bit as Theo makes his way and earn Tari and Theo the victory thus clearing the game to return it back to normal. Evelyn is frustrated as she tries to reprimand her failure with Lucks but gets cut off.

Presumably she must have called a limousine to go back to her parent’s house as within the car in Fatal Error she curses Tari as she makes a comment about wanting her powers there. As she talks to herself about wanting her powers, she gets a call from a stranger. The stranger promises her powers just like Tari as she is skeptical. To ease Evelyn’s concerns even more the stranger says that his name is Sheridan.

Season 3[]

Evelyn after a week later now works for Sheridan and now has Tari's abilities! She transports Tari into her virtual dollhouse of Silica City as she more than torments and attacks Tari. As she has the upper edge she mercilessly beats Tari up as when Tari tried to punch Evelyn she more than just knocks Tari out instead. While dragging the unconscious Tari, Evelyn takes her to Sheridan's lab placing Tari onto the operating table.

As Sheridan starts to operate on Tari, Evelyn mainly just watches over Tari herself. While looking on over Theo bursts on in as she tries to deal with Theo even gaining the upper edge. However when Theo said he did not remember her she gets furious until Theo uses the moment to hit the monitor for the lab saving Tari. Tari tries to save Theo by throwing the coconut at Evelyn but misses at point blank.

This causes Evelyn to look at her weirdly as Tari explains herself, however Theo spat at her face which causes Evelyn to be heavily disgusted. This in turn allows Tari to recuperate herself to hit Evelyn in the face as Tari runs away. Evelyn tries to go after her though Sheridan shows up to give Evelyn a knife to stab Tari in order to get her data fragments. Evelyn expresses joy as she goes after Tari as she goes to attack Tari and Theo.

As Evelyn has the upper hand she clashes with Tari as before she can brutally injure Tari heavily a portal opens up by Sofia for Tari and Theo to enter in. Evelyn gets hit in the face by the Elder Tomato by Theo as she goes to make her way into the portal to chase after the two. After Tari throws Theo up to meet with the others Evelyn comes up to slash at Tari's abdomen. This injures Tari heavily as she avoids another slash sending Tari to Skybreakers. Evelyn then goes to warp to Skybreakers to make her way over to chase Tari.

Along the path to where Tari is Evelyn stops by to raid a ship as she blows it up because she did not like it. Afterwards Evelyn makes her way to Shipwreck Swamp to attack Tari. Evelyn gets stopped by Marco, Lamar, and Theo who rescues Tari as Evelyn was forced to retreat. Evelyn then starts to complain to Sheridan that it was unfair that she does not have a team to which Sheridan complies telling her she will get a team soon.

In Dead On Arrival, it is shown that Evelyn went to go and teamed up with Lucinia who was a mindless puppet due to Sheridan and having some of her fragments returned to her as they have appeared on Vagabond's Landing. When at Vagabond's Landing she went to go to Marco's and Tari's direction as sure enough she takes the first shot at Marco. Afterwards, Evelyn started chasing down Tari and Marco down through the area and at one point got stopped by the admins before she demolished the four of them to catch up to Tari and her crew. After catching up Evelyn gets into a battle against Tari as she has failed to get Tari as Tari's crew got away.

During Death Warp, Evelyn was shown with Lucinia glitching out some players on a ship as they were tracking down Tari. After that, Evelyn steers her ship to Scrapbeard's Fortress once the Cabin Boy figured out where Tari was. Once within the Fortress, Evelyn and her crew get stopped by Lamar as they fight against him. During the fight as Tari escaped as Lamar crashed Evelyn's ship, Evelyn takes Lamar as she then glitches him out to send him to Sheridan's server.

When it was time for Global Testfire, Evelyn goes to Sheridan's server in order to pick up Masa and Belle. As Evelyn took Masa and Belle, Lamar threw a smoke screen which annoyed Evelyn as she complained to the players. She then sailed away as she went after Tari, as arriving she attacked Tari and her crew. Before she could deal a final blow her ship explodes as it gets major damage as it was revealed it was Lamar who did it. Lamar then goes back to Tari giving her a new hat that causes Evelyn to complain that Tari kept on stealing her stuff. So both Evelyn's team and Tari's team go to fight against each other.

Within the episode Overload, Evelyn goes with Belle to jump onto Tari's ship to fight. Evelyn gets squared up against Theo as they fight below deck. As she fought against Theo she won against him and deleted Theo out of existence. She then went above deck to pin Tari onto the mast as she was about to kill Tari until Masa attacked Evelyn. She was out of commission for a while until she came back up trying to sneak attack Tari. She faces and fights against Tari however, Tari had the upper hand due to getting her Meta Runner Vision completely restored. She shot Evelyn down multiple times. When Evelyn was at critical health she grabbed Belle and tried to use her as a shield against Tari however, Belle managed to push herself and Evelyn back to Evelyn's ship. As Tari had no more bullets and readying a cannon, Evelyn was charging her shot out of pure hatred until Belle stabs her hand onto Evelyn's energy tank shocking Evelyn painfully. After a while Evelyn throws Belle off but it was too late as Tari shoots the cannon taking Evelyn and her ship out. In the end of the episode it was shown that she spawned back at Shipwreck Swamp where Lamar is throwing pebbles at Evelyn as she was slightly annoyed but hardly cared.

At near the very end of the episode The End, after Sheridan was killed by electrocution as Marco was about to leave, Evelyn shows up while not within the game in the real world as she complains and starts berating everyone and starts to badmouth Tari (who had just sacrificed herself unbeknownst to Evelyn) which prompted Lucinia (who had woken up from her comatose state after being revived by Tari) to smack Evelyn across the face to silence her. Lucinia then goes to scold Evelyn locking her into a chair as after a heartfelt reunion between Belle and Lucinia. After conversing with Masa and Marco, they leave Evelyn strapped in the chair as in the news that Marco has seen it was shown that Evelyn was arrested. The last Evelyn was seen was that she was screaming for her dad to rescue her as she was driven away.

The ending shot shows her crying still as a photo of her was taken showing her height and going to jail.



  • She is the youngest child in the Claythorne family.
  • After TAS-Corp shut down due to Lucks' secret going out and his death, Evelyn would've gone to live with her father if a mysterious caller hadn't offered to get her Tari's abilities.
  • She is currently the GLITCH staff's favorite character, due to her personality.
  • During the credits of The End, Evelyn is seen in prison holding her inmate number 072619, which is a reference to the release date of the first episode of Meta Runner Wrong Warp on July 26th 2019 or 07/26/19
  • Evelyn was supposed to be the heiress of the Claythorne family business before her arrest, despite her being the youngest child in her family.
  • When warped into cyberspace, Evelyn's eye colour is pink.
  • Evelyn has always said rude names to Tari, with there only being one instance where she refers to Tari by name.


Season 2[]

Season 3[]

v - e - d Meta Runner characters