Meta Runner Wiki

Elder Tomato is a minor character of Meta Runner and a supporting character of the spinoff, Ultra Jump Mania (series).


He is a red tomato that has two white bushy eyebrows and a bushy mustache and beard.


He acts like a mentor figure and is usually stoic about destinies. He also has a habit of telling long stories that go on for an hour approximately as one example. Outside of the game he hardly ever has sentience other than telling a story there.


Season 1[]

He first appears in Out Of Bounds where he was taken out of Theo's pockets as to tell the lore of Ultra Jump Mania and the prophecy as to why Theo should go out on the journey. Apparently, in game he has more sentience but was taken out of the game along with Theo in Bad Split. Theo commented to the pedestrian that the Elder Tomato hardly was talking much to Theo as he was unsure about what Silica City was there. He was used as a distraction for Theo to take down the TASCorp Agents to which Theo commented about the teamwork with Elder Tomato. He was rarely referenced ever since throughout the Season ever since but it assumed he mainly just stayed dormant in Theo's pocket there.

Season 2[]

The Elder Tomato appears in Hard Reset being brought up by Theo to tell about some lore however he hardly is ever referenced again until Transfer Student where Theo brings him up again to talk to him about advice though Theo was mainly talking to himself. Elder Tomato's last official appearance is in Transfer Student as Theo in the glitched out game tries to ask him for advice but the Elder Tomato glitches out there basically. He is not seen again only making cameos in throughout the rest of the season as a big mountain. It is presumed he just stuck with Theo and goes with him.

Season 3[]

The Elder Tomato appears in Testing Room. Theo asks how to get up the vent, causing him to tell Theo about how to change the difficulty. Later on, Theo makes a catapult made out of fake models of the characters. Elder Tomato was tested if it’s safe then gets splattered, but then he respawned. And then was later thrown on Evelyn to save Theo from being stabbed. Once they enter the portal, Evelyn throws Elder Tomato back down the portal. He is not seen again until The End where he was dropped by a random player before they were taken off the server.



  • The Elder Tomato is canonically shown to be sentient in the Ultra Jump Mania! (PILOT) episode, however in the main series he only just repeats lines like an Artificial Narrow Intelligence. This might be due to the glitched out process of warping Theo out of the game.


Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

v - e - d Meta Runner characters